Hypnosis for weight loss is a very successful and easy option for people looking to take back control of What When Why Where and how much they eat.
It does not matter if your issue is emotional or comfort eating , poor eating habits , or simply eating too much, using hypnotherapy to lose weight can help you .
Many of us have poor eating habits because we are time poor and grab whatever is quick and easy . The trap there is that we will often choose the less healthy option , not really understanding why.
All of us have been told many times growing up to eat everything on the plate ‘because of the starving children in Africa’ or because mum made it ‘special’ or simply because food was not to be wasted .
This kind of programming affects our choices before we even make them , because the subconscious reaction and selection of choice happens a half second before the conscious mind decides what to have . You know you should choose a salad , but you really feel like a burger !
It’s the same thing with comfort eating or eating too much . The subconscious associates certain foods or quantities of food with feeling better , so when we are feeling a little down we make poor choices to make us feel happy/loved/whatever .
Using Hypnosis to lose weight can help the subconscious mind make better healthier choices by improving self esteem and focusing on wellness in a natural and easy way , by removing self sabotaging habits, boosting will power and help you to cut back on sugars easily and comfortably . Change becomes effortless and natural.
Some people choose to have the Virtual Gastric Band Hypnosis to loose weight because they feel it will give them more control over their eating .
Many others simply need a few sessions to overcome whatever issues they had and become more confident in controlling their weight and food intake to lose weight.
Whatever your issue is we’d be happy to talk to you and devise a program tailored to your specific situation to get you the results you desire .
Change your mind and start Living your life. Call us.
Fremantle/Perth Linda 0409079435
Midland/Mundaring Jan 0423936933