Anxiety, fears and phobias usually have nothing to do with normal, rational thinking. Anxiety attacks stem more from the fear of what ‘might’ happen than the logical knowing of what probably “will” happen.
A car accident early in life could lead us to a fear of driving. An unfortunate experience while learning to swim could lead us to a fear of drowning; a fear strong enough to provoke an attack from just getting our face wet.
Fear of dogs may have started from a childhood fright, and persists even when, at a conscious level, there is plenty of evidence to show that not all dogs are slavering fiends.
At a conscious level, we know that people have happy, safe and loving relationships with these pets, but nevertheless our reaction is one of pure, unreasoning terror.
Manifestation of anxiety in the subconscious mind
The subconscious mind works to keep us safe and comfortable, and has the ability to repress unpleasant memories. This spares us from constantly reliving a traumatic event. A memory can be buried deep within our subconscious mind where it is beyond the reach of conscious recall, but buried with it are the anxieties and emotions attached to the event, and these can percolate away inside us, seeking a way to manifest.
Freud described these feelings as ‘free floating anxieties’; anxieties that cannot be attributed to any event or object, and which can be described so often as panic or anxiety attacks.
The subconscious mind finds a way to help us deal with these anxieties, but first the anxiety must be turned into fear. And to fear something, it is necessary to have a focus.
The actual memory of the trigger event is buried beyond our memory, so the subconscious mind will now play a trick and provide a substitute, something to which we can attribute the anxiety.
Through avoidance of that chosen focus, the fear can be addressed. Why else would anyone have reason to fear a mouse or a spider, when those creatures obviously have so much more to fear from us than we have from them?
Anxiety states that result from situations such as violent assaults, financial pressures or even study requirements have different origins, but the method of relieving the sufferer’s stress remains the same.
Positive focus through hypnosis
The solution is to use hypnosis to return to the causative event, without the emotion attached to it, and to create a new perception of that event which is more beneficial to the sufferer.
Phobias just go away, and the inappropriate and maladaptive mechanism for coping, which is the phobic irrational fear, is no longer needed. In the case of fears stemming from traumatic events, the emotional charge can be removed and new thought patterns created, which enables us to focus on a more positive future, instead of reliving the event continually in our heads.
When the release of emotion and the often consequent euphoria happens, it can be so powerful and life changing that it can seem like magic.
The world we see and know is predominantly a product of our own imaginations. What we actually see, hear, touch or smell plays a small role, as the slightest sensual stimulus provokes our subconscious to fill in many of the details.
In this way, each and every one of us, in our own unique and individual way, arrives at what we believe is real.
By Jan Duncan
Subiaco – Linda Milburn – (08) 9388 6322 or 0409 079 435
Mundaring – Jan Duncan – 0423 936 933