The skills of Linda Milburn, CEO of Hypnocare was recently featured on Nova radio

Listen in on how she hypnotised Nat from the Nova Crew and one of her listeners in overcoming a bad habit

Let Linda personally help you overcome your bad habits, disorders or overwhelming problems

Teeth Grinding and Hypnosis

teeth grinding hypnosis clinic perth

It may surprise you to hear that fear of the dentist is one of the most common phobias I come across in my hypnotherapy practice, and many people who come in for this reason also ask about how they can stop grinding their teeth.

Apart from causing headaches and jaw pain, teeth grinding can also wear down your teeth over time, and as it is normally done while sleeping it can be a very difficult problem to control.

So what can be done to help my teeth grinding?

Before doing anything else you should pay a visit to your dentist (even if you fear her or him, unfortunately) because she or he will need to inspect your mouth and jaw to determine if it is in fact nighttime teeth grinding that is causing your headaches or jaw problems.

The technical term for grinding is “bruxism”, and your dentist should be able to determine by looking at your teeth whether or not this is the source of your problems. In some cases your dentist can help you fix the problem with a brace or a mouth guard. In some cases your dentist will be able to prescribe medication to help you with your symptoms as well.

Stress and anxiety as the cause of teeth grinding

In some cases one of the ways your body can work out any stress that was left unresolved during the day is by teeth grinding throughout the night. If you are consistently experiencing stressful situations either at work or at home without dealing with the stressors, then you may be leaving your body with no choice but to try to grind away at the problem overnight, so to speak.

Rather than simply dampening and reducing the after effects of teeth grinding with a mouth guard or medication to sleep more soundly, it may be better to try to remove the source of stress that is causing you to grind in the first place.

Hypnotherapy sessions, for many people, are a great way to let you achieve peace of mind and help you to let go of whatever it is that is stressing you out to begin with. Although practicing meditation or mindfulness can also help us to achieve a relaxed state on our own, the virtue of hypnotherapy is that often talking to someone about your problem with someone who isn’t going to judge you or gossip about you with anyone else can be a massive stress reliever in itself.

After getting more used to letting go of stress and anxiety you can begin to sleep more soundly and to wake up more refreshed and eager to face your day. You may also find that your headaches and jaw pain, if they are being caused by teeth grinding, may disappear along with your stress and remove the need for any braces, mouth guards, or medications altogether.

This is one of the greatest virtues of hypnotherapy; namely, that it is often able to get to the root source of a problem in such a way that it gets nipped in the bud altogether, removing all future need to treat any symptoms: all without any medications or products whatsoever.

Take back control of your health call
Perth Hypnotherapists
Linda 0409 079 435 or Jan 0423 936 933 today.

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Results will vary from person to person.

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Hypnocare Hypnosis Clinic Fremantle

Linda Milburn

Located in Hilton, 3 min from Fremantle, WA.

0409 079 435
08 9388 6322

Hypnocare Hypnosis Clinic Darlington

Contact: Jan

0423 936 933

hypnotherapist in freemantle

Linda Milburn

Involved in Natural Healing for over 30 years

Fellow Member of the (AHA) Australian Hypnotherapist Association

Past State Executive Officer and Board Member of the AHA for 8 years


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