The skills of Linda Milburn, CEO of Hypnocare was recently featured on Nova radio
Listen in on how she hypnotised Nat from the Nova Crew and one of her listeners in overcoming a bad habit

Let Linda personally help you overcome your bad habits, disorders or overwhelming problems
Performance Anxiety and Hypnotherapy?

The fear of standing up in front of other people is often considered to be the most common form of anxiety found throughout the Western World, and performance anxiety is likely the most common form of this fear of being seen by a group.
Many people discover that, when faced with situations like giving a presentation in front of a group of colleagues, or performing onstage as a singer or actor, they suddenly begin sweating, shaking, getting a dry throat and coughing, or even knocking their knees together.
Even people who are ordinarily very confident and don’t consciously feel any aversion to being in front of a group can undergo these kinds of symptoms against their will.
Is hypnosis an effective way of treating performance anxiety?
It may seem like overkill to seek out professional help for something as simple as getting nervous before a performance, but the effects of performance anxiety can be quite severe for some people, to the point even that the performance cannot be given at all, and as alluded to above these symptoms can come on quite unexpectedly and against the person’s will.
Accordingly a more serious solution than the person’s own willpower can be needed to overcome it.
Just about anyone can experience severe anxiety in such situations, even famous actors or musicians who you’d imagine have all the confidence in the world. Katy Perry, Jess Glynn, Michael Ball, Adele, and Cheryl Cole are all known to have used hypnotherapy as a method of treating their performance anxiety.
We have worked with a number of celebrities (although all of my patients are confidential), so I can assure you that it is not only everyday people that suffer from a serious performance anxiety, but even world-class actors and musicians. But not to worry, you will receive the same level of confidentiality as the pros if you so wish!
Hypnotherapy can assist to reduce or even eliminate your performance anxiety.
It has worked time and time again for the big names, and it can work for you even if your problem is something more mundane like giving a presentation at the office in front of a few colleagues.
If you have tried overcoming your problem on your own but cannot kick the anxiety through willpower alone, then by all means it is not at all extreme to look for professional help (especially if your anxiety is harming your performance at work).
One of the coolest things about hypnotherapy is the way it is able to convert negative emotional symptoms into positive benefits that will actually improve your life. F
or instance through hypnotherapy you can be taught to change your response to performing from nervousness into excitement, so that you not only learn to stop getting nervous when performing, but actually learn to enjoy it!
In general hypnotherapy can be a great way of helping you with stress or anxiety of any kind, and I highly recommend finding out more about it if any sort of anxiety has consistently been getting in the way of your life.
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Perth Hypnotherapists
Linda 0409 079 435 or Jan 0423 936 933 today.
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Results will vary from person to person.
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Hypnocare Hypnosis Clinic Fremantle
Linda Milburn
Located in Hilton, 3 min from Fremantle, WA.
0409 079 435
08 9388 6322

Linda Milburn
Involved in Natural Healing for over 30 years
Fellow Member of the (AHA) Australian Hypnotherapist Association
Past State Executive Officer and Board Member of the AHA for 8 years