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Hypnotherapy for Weight Loss in Perth
The Myth of Being Both Fat and Fit
Weight loss programs that help patients lose the fat they need to reach a healthy standard are among the many services we offer at Hypnocare Perth Hypnotherapy Clinic.
People’s shapes and sizes vary greatly and there is no one identical picture of a perfect shape; what we aim for is getting our patients into a healthy zone with respect to their BMI or body mass index, which should never be above 25 (and 30 is considered to be obese).
Some people are surprised by how much weight we recommend they lose – typically younger men who prefer to see their size as muscle rather than fat.
But regardless of how much muscle you’ve got on you, the fat on you is a whole world unto itself, and if you’ve got too much fat on you then you’ve got too much fat on you: there is no such this as being both fat and fit.
Healthy vs Unhealthy Metabolic Markers
The participants of a recent study’s BMIs were examined and compared with metabolic markers, like their blood pressure and cholesterol / sugar levels, to determine who should be classed as “healthy” or as “unhealthy.”
The results of the study showed that being technically healthy yet overweight still increased one’s likelihood of developing coronary heart disease.
This risk was found to be 26% higher among these “healthy” overweight people, whereas it was only slightly higher at 28% for individuals considered to be obese.
According to Dr Ionna Tzoullaki from Imperial’s School of Public Health: “I think there is no longer this concept of healthy obese.” Accordingly, Dr Camille Lassale, the study’s leader, determined that “if a patient is overweight or obese, all efforts should be made to help them get back to a healthy weight.”
Accepting the results of the study, however, is one thing, and actually making the lifestyle changes to get yourself down to your ideal weight is another thing altogether.
Accordingly at Hypnocare Perth Hypnotherapy Clinic we address the issue of weight loss at its core, which is really quite simple: to lose fat, you have to burn more calories than you eat.
Still, as simple as the principle is, it can still be difficult to do. But we offer treatments like cognitive behavioural therapy along with clinical hypnosis, our patients often find the process enjoyable.
The Food Industry and Calories
Health official have been appearing on the news more and more lately insisting that more needs to be done in order to get people to eat less and more carefully in order to take in fewer calories each day, and there have even been proposals to reduce the size of the proportions sold by manufacturers as well as to alter the ingredients of many recipes.
Recently I was asked if I saw this as a positive move, or rather as a restrictive and over-controlling measure on the part of the state.
To my mind, anything that is of benefit to a person’s health is positive.
Many people are unaware of what, as well of how much, they are really eating when it comes to processed foods.
Consequently I don’t see these proposals as the government’s attempt to limit people’s freedom to eat, but rather to limit the freedom of food manufacturer’s to favour their profits over their customer’s health.
Still, to educate people about how to eat more healthily is an even better solution, and at Hypnocare Perth Hypnotherapy Clinic we always aim to help our clients better understand how to eat right so that they can take responsibility for themselves.
Accepting responsibility is actually an important factor in a number of different conditions in addition to obesity.
The process is not always easy, but through cognitive behavioural therapy in unison with clinical hypnosis, we can strengthen the resolve of our patients to change their lifestyles on their own, and they soon realise that shedding their weight can be a very enjoyable process.
Help from the government and the food industry is certainly not going to hurt anyone, but it is a far greater help to take control of your own life (and the results reaped will be that much more rewarding if you’ve brought them about through your own initiative).
At Hypnocare Perth Hypnotherapy Clinic, we believe that every person is capable of this, and our aim is more to help you take control of your own weight loss than to fix you up with a strict regimen that you’ll have to follow unwillingly.
To find out more contact us today.
If you are experiencing high levels of stress seek the expertise of a professional hypnotherapist for expert advice and treatment.
Hypnocare Hypnosis Clinic Fremantle
Linda Millburn
Located in Hilton, 3min from Fremantle, WA.
Tel: 0409 079 435
Tel: 08 9388 6322
Hypnocare Hypnosis Clinic Mundaring/Midland
Tel: 0423936933
Medical Disclaimer
Results will vary from person to person.
For More Information & Disclaimer: Full Medical Disclaimer Here
Hypnocare Hypnosis Clinic Fremantle
Linda Milburn
Located in Hilton, 3 min from Fremantle, WA.
0409 079 435
08 9388 6322
Linda Milburn
Involved in Natural Healing for over 30 years
Fellow Member of the (AHA) Australian Hypnotherapist Association
Past State Executive Officer and Board Member of the AHA for 8 years