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Can Hypnotherapy Help With Eating Less Sugar?

hypnotherapy for eating less sugar

Hypnotherapy for Eating Less Sugar

Researchers are not in complete agreement with respect to how addictive sugar can be, but in spite of some conflicting results and statistics regarding sugar’s hold on us, we all more or less have the idea that we should keep our sugar intake down in order to maintain a healthy diet and to keep our weight down.

Many of us don’t know, on the other hand, that too much sugar could actually be detrimental to our mental health as well.

An article published recently has shared some of the results of a study undertaken at the University College London (UCL).

Researchers from UCL monitored a large group of subjects (around 5000 men and 2000 women) looking for any correlations between sugar intake and mental health.

The researchers found that there was a strong link between a higher-level intake of sugar and depression in the male subjects.

Males with an especially high daily intake of sugar – 67 grams or above – were found to be 23% more likely than the group of men with the lowest intake to suffer a common mental health disorder after five years.

UCL summed up the results of the study by saying that for many years now there has been mounting evidence that sugar has a negative impact on our physical health; now, their research has strongly suggested that there is an added negative effect on mental health associated with a high sugar intake as well.

You can check out the full article here:

If you have a sweet tooth and are having a hard time cutting back on your daily intake of sugar, hypnotherapy might be able to help you out.

Especially around the holidays when chocolate and other sweets are all around, the delight of sugary treats can be very difficult to resist by willpower alone. Hypnotherapy can do wonders to motivate you to change, to leave behind old behaviours, and to create healthier eating habits.

Why not give it a shot today?

Book a session with a hypnotherapist near you and see if it can make the difference for you.

Many patients see positive results from hypnotherapy even after only a single session!

So you will not necessarily have to wait a long time to find out if it can help you or not.

Take back control of your health call
Perth Hypnotherapists
Linda 0409 079 435 or Jan 0423 936 933 today.

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Results will vary from person to person.

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Hypnocare Hypnosis Clinic Fremantle

Linda Milburn

Located in Hilton, 3 min from Fremantle, WA.

0409 079 435
08 9388 6322

Hypnocare Hypnosis Clinic Darlington

Contact: Jan

0423 936 933

hypnotherapist in freemantle

Linda Milburn

Involved in Natural Healing for over 30 years

Fellow Member of the (AHA) Australian Hypnotherapist Association

Past State Executive Officer and Board Member of the AHA for 8 years


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