One of the most daunting challenges faced by surgery patients is not the procedure itself, but the period immediately following the operation. During this time, the body needs to recover and heal. This time is often characterised by pain and stress as we regain our strength during the post-surgery phase. Hypnotherapy has been shown to aid the healing process, speed up recovery times, and alleviate pain in the days after leaving the operating theatre.
When we wake up in the post-operative ward to the smiling faces of family and health professionals, we’re naturally relieved at the realisation that the operation is over. In the hours and days following the procedure, however, pain and discomfort invariably set in, as the body gets to work healing itself. Organs, muscles and skin begin to naturally repair the damaged tissue as the immune system fights off any infections that might sneak into our bodies. This post-operative phase is a crucial period in the surgery cycle and by far the longest.
Post-Surgery Recovery is Tough
Our bodies are pumped full of antibiotics, pain meds and anti-inflammatories, designed to assist the recovery process and get us back up on our feet. But recovery takes time, and during this painful and uncomfortable period, our minds take strain. While we’re bed-ridden and away from home, anxiety and fear can complicate the wound healing process, leading to a longer recovery phase, higher costs, and stress.
Medicine Isn’t the Only Answer
While medicine can only do so much to alleviate our anguish, too many people still rely on pain medication to manage these difficulties, often leading to an unhealthy dependence on drugs. The same goes for those who have just received surgery. Doctors are obliged to reduce your medication following surgery, minimising the side effects caused by these chemicals, and allowing the body to recover its strength. Once this happens, the painful reconstruction of your cells and tissue begins to dominate the post-operative experience. Spending an extended period in the hospital can also lead to expensive medical bills, increasing stress, compounded with the pain associated with recovery.
How Hypnotherapy Can Help
Hypnotherapy is a powerful aid in taking control of your pain and accelerating recovery. It has been well documented as an effective treatment for post-op trauma, manging more than just pain. A variety of studies of surgery patients undergoing hypnotherapy have shown exciting results. In one case, observed patients were divided into three groups: Patients who received support from a psychologist, those who underwent post-operative hypnotherapy, and those who received no additional therapy at all. The results were outstanding. The patients who received hypnotherapy not only recovered quicker, but photo analysis also showed significant scar reduction in those who received hypnotherapy, versus those who received psychological support only or no therapy at all1. Beyond this, the added benefits of post-operative hypnotherapy extend to putting the mind into a calm and relaxed state, allowing patients to overcome the psychological trauma of the surgery experience and its associated anxiety.
The Mind can Heal
The power of the mind allows us to take control of our bodies, empowering us to quicken our healing consciously. While the science is still in its infancy, more and more evidence is emerging of our ability to influence what happens inside us. Hypnotherapy allows us to tap into the human will and effect change on ourselves. Through positive thoughts, affirmations and deep relaxation, our subconsciousness can be harnessed and put to good use in helping us to heal.
From pain management to accelerating recovery times, Hypnocare can teach you to prime your body for a surgical procedure and then take control of your recovery afterwards. By using various tried and tested hypnotherapy techniques, Hypnocare’s therapists can guide you through each phase of the surgery process.
Perth/Fremantle Call Linda 0409079435
Midland/Mundaring Call Jan 0423936933
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Linda Milburn
Located in Hilton, 3 min from Fremantle, WA.
0409 079 435
08 9388 6322
Contact: Jan
0423 936 933
Involved in Natural Healing for over 30 years
Fellow Member of the (AHA) Australian Hypnotherapist Association
Past SEO and Board Member of the AHA for 8 years