Exam Stress can be effectively treated with Hypnosis .

In  just  a  few  sessions  butterflies  in  your  tummy , feeling  nauseated , tongue  sticking  to  the  roof  of your  mouth  and  clammy  hands  will  be  but  a  memory.

Even  more  unpleasant  symptoms  like  headaches , diarrhea  ,shortness  of  breath  or  fainting  can  be helped .

Instead  hypnosis  will  enable  you to be  calm  and  confident

Instead  hypnosis  will  enable  you to be  calm  and  confident, focusing  on  and  understanding  the questions  and  being  able  to  disseminate  information  clearly  and  concisely.

You  will  remember  everything  that  you  need  to  remember  and  answer  questions  in  a  clear  and timely  manner .No  more  feeling  as  if  your  mind  has  gone  blank .

Studies  published  in  the  Delhi  Psychiatric  Journal  in  2011 showed  that  students  who  undertook hypnotherapy  suffered  significantly  less  Exam Stress/Nerves  than  their  classmates , and  that  the anxiety  did  not return. Each  students  performance  was  in  fact  significantly  enhanced .

Hypnosis  is  also  an  excellent  tool  to  foster  better  study  habits. Being  able  to  study  regularly trains the  brain  in  concentration  and  memory . Using  hypnosis  there  is  a  higher  rate  of  retention  for  all subjects  studied  and  procrastination  around  studying  is  greatly  reduced .

School  exams  are  not  the  only  type  of  exam  that  can  produce  anxiety .

Hypnosis  can  help  with  driving  examinations  for     example , helping  you  to  be calm  and  focused .If  there  is  something  that  you  have  a  particular  problem with  such  as  merging  traffic  or  reverse  parking  hypnotherapy  can  greatly  aid your  confidence  in  these  maneuvers .

Work  assessments  are  another  area  that  can  benefit  from  hypnotherapy . You  may  know  your  job inside  out  but  sometimes  being  put  on  the  spot  and  observed  can  bring  on  an  attack  of  nerves that   reduce  your  performance .

It  does  not  matter  if  you  have  to  be  assessed  at  a  work  practice  or  if  you  have  to  give  a presentation  at  work , hypnosis  can  make  everything  go  smoothly  for  you.

You’ll  be  able  to  run  through  procedures  efficiently ,  speak  confidently  and  concisely  at presentations , answering  questions clearly  and  easily  .

Free  yourself  from  unwanted  Exam Stress. Don’t  let  anxiety  hold  you  back  from  being  the  best  you can  be .

Hypnosis  can  help  you  change  your  mind  so  you  can  change  your  life .

Linda Fremantle 0409079435

Jan      Midland area   0423936933

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