Like it or not, we’re all vulnerable – in one way or another – to the trials and tribulations that life throws at us. Whether at home, in the workplace or among friends, we’re forever facing challenges that test our ability to face down the problems and obstacles in our lives. How we overcome these issues and how quickly we recover from any damage or trauma they’ve caused is determined by how resilient we are – how soon or how effectively we can get back on top.
In an age defined by a rise in mental health struggles, compounded by a devastating pandemic and growing social problems, how do we find a way to manage our own wellbeing, of both body and mind? Where do we turn when the going gets really tough, and how do we figure out how to pick ourselves back up and keep on going, keep on moving forward?
The answer lies in our Resilience. Our inner Strength, or ability to recover from the issues that affect us, is key to good mental health and wellbeing. When we’re knocked down or suffer some sort of misfortune or loss, it can be very easy to simply abandon all hope and give up. It is in these moments that we must do all that we can to remind ourselves that we’re capable of overcoming almost anything thrown at us, that we’re more resilient than we know.
The trick lies in how we tap into that human power.
First, Acknowledge That It Isn’t All Easy
Many of us remember our parents and grandparents telling us to “toughen up” or to “just get over it and move on.” While their intentions may have been good ones, realistically, simply coping or surviving is no longer enough in today’s world. Ignoring problems and challenges only serves to compound them, leading to much higher levels of stress and anguish later on.
The first step in discovering Resilience is to admit that, no matter your situation, life is hard, and problems can complicate things at any given moment. Once we accept that we’re not invincible, that we’re all vulnerable to stress, trauma and pain, we can begin to find the virtues that build on our sense of inner Strength – our Resilience.
Then, Cultivate Healthy Positivity
Once we’ve accepted the need to foster a more resilient attitude towards how we approach life, we can begin to lay the foundations of our mental defences. This involves cultivating a healthy, positive attitude that encourages growth and the development of inner Strength. These beliefs and feelings want to grow. They want to become central tenants that allow us to discover the power we have to face up to the unavoidable challenges we’re destined to face.
One of the most – if not the most – powerful tools that we have at our disposal in cultivating healthy positivity is Hypnotherapy. While we can nurture positivity by ourselves in almost everything that we do, it can become very difficult to maintain those feelings of self-assurance on a consistent and ongoing basis.
Hypnotherapy teaches our minds to build Resilience through encouraging positivity and discovering inner Strength. It teaches our subconscious to hold onto the thoughts and feelings that build us up and boost our faith in our own abilities. Through deep relaxation, breathing techniques and positive affirmations, by working together, both client and hypnotherapist can construct resilient mental support that readily helps us to confront the distress we’re subjected to every day.
And Turn to Hypnotherapy
At Hypnocare, we understand the value of Resilience. We base many of our client interactions on fostering positive inner Strength that eventually unlocks levels of Resilience that many of our clients never knew they were capable of. Armed with this belief, sessions allow clients to explore and reinforce their Resilience and put their newfound power to work.
Life is tough – we get that. This is why we’re so committed to going beyond short-term fixes and treatments, focusing on finding long-term solutions rooted in dependable Resilience, fuelled by your own inner Strength.
Pay us a visit, reach out, or simply take a moment to look within – you’d be surprised at how resilient you already are. And we’re here to help you reach your true potential.
Perth/Fremantle Call Linda 0409079435
Midland/Mundaring Call Jan 0423936933
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Results will vary from person to person.
For More Information & Disclaimer: Full Medical Disclaimer Here
Linda Milburn
Located in Hilton, 3 min from Fremantle, WA.
0409 079 435
08 9388 6322
Contact: Jan
0423 936 933
Involved in Natural Healing for over 30 years
Fellow Member of the (AHA) Australian Hypnotherapist Association
Past SEO and Board Member of the AHA for 8 years