The Dictionary defines change as “an act or process through which something becomes different.” While this may sound straightforward, things can get a little complicated when it comes to actually accepting change.
Our entire life is defined by change. From the day we’re born, this ongoing process is happening all the time. From physical changes in our bodies and environment to changes in how we think and interact with others, as we get older, these changes can get very difficult to accept. We become comfortable with the status quo, refusing to let go of the things we’ve become familiar with, and this can lead to us resisting change.
The brain is a stubborn organ. Despite the infinite complexities of how the mind works, it still struggles to process and deal with change. Human beings have evolved to resist changes that we are not comfortable with or accustomed to – irrespective of whether these changes are good or bad for us.
Change is almost always associated with risk, and our resistance to change originates in our natural adversity to risk. For example, switching jobs may generate a better income, but we risk taking on new, unknown responsibilities we may not enjoy or be able to handle. A new partner might bring us excitement and happiness, but we risk regretting ending a relationship with someone we know intimately. And a different, improved diet may mean a healthier body, but we risk missing out on the foods we love.
Overcoming resistance to change is a process. It requires a concerted effort to accept the evolving nature of things and then learn to live with them. Many people think of change only when it has a significant impact on our future. In reality, the overwhelming majority of change occurs among the smaller things in our lives, and this is where we can use hypnosis to prepare our minds for significant changes.
Change at Home
Home is where the heart is, and any change here can greatly influence our state of mind. From parents dealing with a child heading off to university to a teenager having to move away from their friends, these changes have the potential to cause discomfort and anxiety. Death in the family and even the birth of a new family member are realities that we must accept. Dealing with this upheaval, however, can be challenging at best and overwhelming at worst.
Hypnotherapy allows us to identify and better accept these changes without letting other aspects of our lives interfere with this important process. At home, we trust and love our families, but when changes begin to affect our relationships with loved ones, we often find that we have nowhere to turn. Hypnosis is an effective method of dealing with the emotional stress caused by changes at home, allowing us to confront and accept them gently.
Change at Work
One of the most disruptive forms of change can occur in our professional lives. When our job security is threatened, we experience high levels of fear and stress, over and above the pressures of making a living and financially preparing for the future. Many jobs come with constant workplace changes in personnel, responsibility and station. While a change in seniority – like a promotion – may seem like a good thing, we risk failing in our new position or becoming overwhelmed by work.
Changing a job or career can be extremely high-risk, so many people simply remain in positions that make them miserable. However, this damaging unhappiness can be challenged through various hypnosis techniques that help us find the strength to choose our professional path. Through steady affirmations and positive thinking, patients can find the courage and motivation to make a move into something new and exciting.
Change in Health
The older we get, the more likely our bodies are to break down. This is a biological fact of life that affects every living thing on earth. So why do we resist accepting our physical limitations? Because of fear. With so much information about terminal diseases and illnesses peppering the internet, it’s no wonder we’re always living in a state of concern about our health.
So when our bodies start to show signs of wear and tear, we either ignore them or obsess about the state of our health. For hundreds of years, therapy has allowed people to explore and accept the changes in their bodies. By encouraging the mind to acknowledge our finite existence, hypnosis can foster a much more positive outlook on our future, unlocking our ability to accept these changes.
Accepting Change
While change is both difficult and important, it is a crucial and unavoidable aspect of life that defines how happy we are. We instinctively resist change, often without looking at the potential positive long-term effects it can have on our lives. Change is stressful and challenging to accept, but we can focus on using it to our benefit once we stop resisting it.
At Hypnocare, we work to assist our clients in accepting change beyond their control while managing the changes they have an influence over. Our therapists base their sessions and techniques on guiding the mind into a state that is open to change while using positivity and affirmations to reinforce our acceptance of it.
Change is unavoidable. How you handle it defines how easily you can overcome resistance to changes in life, work and health. Embrace the changes in your life with ease and in comfort with Hypnocare.
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Linda Milburn
Located in Hilton, 3 min from Fremantle, WA.
0409 079 435
08 9388 6322
Contact: Jan
0423 936 933
Involved in Natural Healing for over 30 years
Fellow Member of the (AHA) Australian Hypnotherapist Association
Past SEO and Board Member of the AHA for 8 years