What is it that compels you to get out of bed in the morning, rested, refreshed and ready to take on the day? No, it’s not the piercing shriek of the alarm clock nor the sunlight peeking in through the shutters. Its motivation. A burning desire to take on the world, driven by a passionate pursuit for productivity and success. Or so we’re told.
The unfortunate reality, however, is that most of us simply hit the snooze button, turn over, and go back to sleep, dreading the thought of having to face the day ahead. The same goes for the student needing to study for an exam, the professional finding the energy to tackle a project, or the average Joe making an effort to get to the gym.
Hypnotherapy can help you not only to find the things that drive you to new heights but also teaches you to hold onto them, nurturing a sense of motivated ambition.
The Problem with Motivation
For most of us, finding the motivation that we need to get things done can seem like an impossible task. Gone are the days of a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed youthful enthusiasm, replaced by pessimism, fear and boredom.
When it comes to finding and holding on to motivation, the sad truth is that there is very little in the way of reward for our daily efforts. We’re simply expected to go to work or pursue our ambitions with not much to compel us to do so with energy and vigour.
For those of us who aren’t millionaires, sporting icons or movie stars, finding the things that motivate us is a complicated and arduous task. And when we do eventually find our “mojo”, it always seems to be fleeting at best.
Rediscovering Inspiration
Motivation is considered both an internal and external concept, fuelled by inspiration. This means that how, when and what we draw inspiration from depends on what is happening around us, our own goals, and our ability to satisfy needs, wants or desires.
With so much going on in our modern lives, it can be very difficult to identify and focus on the things that inspire us to strive towards a goal. When this happens, we often end up abandoning our search for motivation and let the currents of stress, defeat and procrastination sweep us further away from our dreams.
The trick is to tune out these negative distractions, one by one, until we rediscover what it is that captures our ambitions and drive us to succeed.
Hypnotherapy – The Door to an Inspired Sense of Purpose
Our minds are a jam-packed hive of activity, bursting at the seams with a million issues, all jostling for prime brain-time. From work and money to relationships and health, most of these pertinent issues fail to inspire and motivate us. In fact, the majority of our brainpower is spent on ‘negative’ issues – those that detract from inspiration.
Hypnotherapy is a powerful tool that acts as a subtle auditor, sorting through the jumble and seeking out the thoughts and ideas that benefit the mind and soul. Techniques applied to the mind allow it to relax, muting the things that cause distress and restlessness, before identifying and resurrecting inspiration.
A Willingness to Succeed
Once we know what inspires us, it’s as simple as embedding those things as a primary motivator that fuels our urge to succeed. Through affirmations, imagery and deep relaxation, therapists are able to subtly entrench these essential factors into our lives, allowing us to begin to overcome procrastination, burn-out, low confidence and negativity.
Through hypnosis, we are able to prioritise the things that motivate us and find a sense of purpose in the pursuit of our goals and ambitions. These motivating factors naturally build upon themselves, and once we start to reap the rewards of our efforts, we find ourselves more inspired and more motivated than ever before!
Get Up, Get Motivated!
The next time you find yourself struggling to get out of bed, open your textbook, or kick off your work project, ask yourself: “Am I motivated to do this?” If the answer is ‘No’, turn to Perth Hypnotherapists at Hypnocare Hypnosis Clinic, where motivation is top of our agenda. Our therapists are masters at bringing out the inspiration in you and transforming that into energising motivation.
Our carefully considered approach in helping you to rediscover that sense of purpose is geared to maximise your understanding of the potential you have within you. It’s easy to know what you want, the key is finding the drive to get there – and we’re here to help you do just that.
Perth/Fremantle Call Linda 0409079435
Midland/Mundaring Call Jan 0423936933
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Results will vary from person to person.
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Linda Milburn
Located in Hilton, 3 min from Fremantle, WA.
0409 079 435
08 9388 6322
Contact: Jan
0423 936 933
Involved in Natural Healing for over 30 years
Fellow Member of the (AHA) Australian Hypnotherapist Association
Past SEO and Board Member of the AHA for 8 years