The skills of Linda Milburn, CEO of Hypnocare was recently featured on Nova radio
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Does Hypnotherapy Treatment For Fears & Phobias Work?

Hypnosis for fears and phobias
Whilst each and every person has something they fear, there has been a recent rise in the number of people diagnosed with anxiety disorders. Having an irrational fear or phobia is one of the causes.
Having an irrational phobia or fear can be harmful and dangerous.
Phobias are subconscious feelings of fear that one typically develops during their lives.
A phobia could be a result of a traumatic childhood memory or even events during adulthood that causes the brain to subconsciously develop a feeling of no control of the situation. It is these situations that tend to rapidly escalate to panic attacks that seem be excessively exaggerated.
Phobias can bring about extreme anxiety which can be unnerving for the victim.
This affects their concentration and their productivity, and can even completely incapacitate the victim, rendering them helpless.
Fears and phobias can be broadly classified into 4 fundamental categories:
1. Natural environment phobias

2. Animal phobias

This is fear that comes from any animals such as dogs, snakes, crawling insects like spiders, cockroaches, worms, lizards among others.
3. Medical phobias

For those who have had a traumatic experience at a hospital or even react to a chemical smell might be experiencing a medical phobia.
Getting shots at the hospital as kids, hate the sight of blood, or cannot even stand the sight of an injury are common symptons also.
4. Situational phobias

These are fears that come from events such as flying in a plane, using an elevator or escalator, driving a car. Being in tunnels or in closed in spaces, and the common speaking in public.
No matter what type of phobia or fear it is, they are all developed in a similar way in our subconscious.
Common symptoms of phobias
A major symptom is anxiety which is brought about when exposed to a fear trigger.
This can show in the victims bodily language through symptoms such as:
• Increased heartbeat
• Nausea
• Dizziness
• Lack of breath or short breathe
• Numbness or a tingling sensation
• Profusely sweating
• Trembling
• Chocking
• Fainting
• Loosing oneself
Hypnotherapy sessions for fears and phobia works in two stages:
- By disassociating a specific fear triggered by providing an alternative thought of the similar situation.
- By preparing you on how to relax upon the presence of the trigger. This can be through training of relaxation techniques consciously with the aim of making them come subconsciously when confronted with the trigger.
This helps the sufferer regain control of the situation from the pre-set reflex action to what they have been conditioned to think of doing.
Call Linda Milburn, A Professional Perth Hypnotherapist, at Hypnocare today on 0409 079 435 or 08 9388 6322. The Hypnosis Treatment Specialists – Natural Healing Since 1984.
“I have been involved in Natural Healing for over 30 years and my past studies and practices have included Aromatherapy, Chinese Massage, and Reiki.
“The practise of Reiki is a constant in my life, and I have taught the modality as a Master for the last 16 years. In my experience with clients in massage and Reiki, I came to realise many people had mind-based origins for their many physical and emotional challenges.
“The natural progression, for me, was to seek a modality that could assist my clients to overcome those mental blocks. This led me to hypnosis.
“In 2004, I started my hypnosis training with Rick Collingwood and the Australian Academy of Hypnosis. Since then I have done further training in the art of hypnosis with Devin Hastings, Leon Cowen, Delores Canon, and others.
“I also acquired my practitioner training in Humanistic Neuro-linguistic Programming with Gary De Rodriguez.
“Change your mind; Change your life.
“I have positively seen firsthand hypnosis can be invariably an excellent tool to graciously assist potential clients to overcome many of their varying complaints. I know instantly through my own life challenges just how daunting things can become. I know precisely I can undoubtedly help you if you are ready to gently take that first step. Take back proper control of your excellent health and well-being (physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually) whatever that means for you.
“I pride myself on being honest, thorough and highly ethical. Life experience has undoubtedly caused me a genuine empathy for those who earnestly seek my help. You can positively start transforming your life now.” – Linda Milburn
Medical Disclaimer
Results will vary from person to person.
For More Information & Disclaimer: Full Medical Disclaimer Here
Hypnocare Hypnosis Clinic Fremantle
Linda Milburn
Located in Hilton, 3 min from Fremantle, WA.
0409 079 435
08 9388 6322

Linda Milburn
Involved in Natural Healing for over 30 years
Fellow Member of the (AHA) Australian Hypnotherapist Association
Past State Executive Officer and Board Member of the AHA for 8 years