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Hypnosis For Exercise Motivation

Hypnosis For Exercise Motivation

Did you resolve – again – to start exercising this year?

Did the initial glow of what you would do wear off now that you are well into year and still haven’t hit the gym? Believe it or not hypnosis can act as a very powerful motivator for making your resolution finally come true.

If you, as most people do, want to lose some weight, get healthier, lift your mood, or look better or more attractive, then regular exercise is the way to go.

A recent study done in the U.K. took an overview of many years of health research and concluded that just 30 minutes of exercise each day (or even just on most days) leads to a decrease in depression, obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even certain cancers.

Hypnosis is great because it will not only help you to get moving in the first place, but it will also help to keep you moving.

Whether you are having a problem with the getting or the keeping, an appointment for a hypnotherapy session can help you either way.

Be clear with your hypnotherapist right away about your goals so this can be incorporated in to your session.

It is always better to plan the type of exercise you want to do in advance.

There is simply no point in hypnotically suggesting to someone something that they will never do no matter what.

It would be pointless, for example, to implant the suggestion to spend 3 hours at the gym every day for a beginner who will become exhausted and fed up with this regimen by day 2 if not day 1.

Instead, start with something much more realistic and sustainable, like 30 minutes every other day, and then to increase gradually as the client’s fitness and confidence improves.

Have your hypnotherapist help you with a specific goal rather than a general one. Simply saying “make me exercise in some way or other” will not be very effective.

Decide instead, for example, that you’d like to walk for 45 minutes every weekday this week after work.

Moreover think about where you would like to walk, at the track, on a nature trail, or a treadmill at the gym, so you can come up with a very specific experience for the hypnotherapist to work with.

You could also decide on a specific distance you’d like to walk. Every 15 minutes of brisk walking should work out to roughly one mile.

Another way of keeping track of your distance is a pedometer to count your steps.

Many health experts recommend getting 10,000 steps every day. Another trick you can try is rewarding yourself, whether its a glass of wine or Netflix time or even stickers. You may laugh at the idea, but kids like stickers for a reason!

So figure out as precisely as you can what you want to do – hit the gym for the treadmill or lifting weights, jogging in the park, or following along with a video at home – and try to picture the experience clearly in your mind in order to help your hypnotherapist include this in your session.

If you haven’t yet been able to make your New Years’ resolution to exercise a reality, hypnosis can really help to get you moving and to keep you moving!

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Perth Hypnotherapists
Linda 0409 079 435 or Jan 0423 936 933 today.

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Hypnocare Hypnosis Clinic Fremantle

Linda Milburn

Located in Hilton, 3 min from Fremantle, WA.

0409 079 435
08 9388 6322

Hypnocare Hypnosis Clinic Darlington

Contact: Jan

0423 936 933

hypnotherapist in freemantle

Linda Milburn

Involved in Natural Healing for over 30 years

Fellow Member of the (AHA) Australian Hypnotherapist Association

Past State Executive Officer and Board Member of the AHA for 8 years


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